College Insights
How you college is much more vital to college success than where you college. Less than 1/2 of college students graduate in 4 years, and about 25% of them drop out completely before graduating. The vast majority of these students drop out because they’ve faced a significant challenge, be it a difficult professor, a failed class, a bad relationship, doubt about their major, etc., and they didn’t have the coping skills to successfully resolve the problem(s) they faced.
This blog will feature articles, research, and commentary related to academic success, whether in high-school or college, and how students can prepare themselves to succeed at any college and effectively respond to and resolve the challenges they will undoubtedly face.
Cogi’s Quick-Guide to FAFSA
Navigate the complexities of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) with our comprehensive guide, ensuring you maximize financial aid opportunities for college.
Evaluating First Year Experience (FYE) Programs
Discover how First-Year Experience (FYE) programs can ease the college transition, offering academic, social, and emotional support to boost student success.
Matching Student Characteristics to Learning Environments
Explore strategies for aligning individual student traits with optimal learning environments to enhance educational outcomes.